Green Grid Group Pte. Limited G3
We believe that our primary responsibility is to our customers. We exist because they do. We shall try our utmost to provide them with technologically up-to-date, reliable and safe services and facilities. We shall make all efforts to address their needs and rectify our shortcomings within commercially and technically feasible limits.
Our employees are our core strength, and we shall always act as a responsible management. We will value their diversity and their prime need to be respected as individuals. We will try our utmost to provide a safe, healthy and conducive work environment to them. Any work demands that we may make of them will be viewed in the context of their duties to their families. Employee compensation will be fair and in compliance with all legal requirements.
We shall endeavor to foster environmentally sustainable practices in our activities, and shall constantly seek out and implement technologies that help in the Green cause, mindful of commercial viability.
If we implement all the above in a prudent manner, applying well respected and ethical business practices, it is our view that our shareholders will benefit in having invested in an environmentally sustainable, economically sound business, with strong ethical values. We believe that we will be able to provide a fair return to them.